(Little White Book)
Some short definitions for the cards to get you started
Here are a few meanings that I use often. They are by no means all of the possible definitions, but I usually lean on these. Of course, the question in context will always play a major role in how you will interpret the cards. If there is no question, try conjuring up a good statement for yourself with this definition as an answer.
Let the pictures speak to you in a language that we recognize when we feel it. And always, always let your intuition guide you as to what feels like it rings true.
The Major Arcana
0- The Fool- Beginning, a new adventure, trust, fearless, naivety
1-The Magician- the power to manifest, equipped
2- The High Priestess- Divine knowledge/ guidance, intuition
3- The Empress- fertile, fruitful, abundant, mother
4- The Emperor- Structure, stability, rules, father
5- The Hierophant- Spiritual compass, spiritual center, core beliefs, meditation
6- The Lovers- Love, deep connections, passion, fated connections
7- The Chariot- Making intuitive decisions, moving forward, self-trust
8- Strength- gentle determination, firm and confident decisions
9- The Hermit- Wisdom gained in isolation, a breather, taking time for clarity
10- Wheel of Fortune- Turn of events, karma, cycles, external changes
11- Justice- Cause and effect, fairness, law, regulations
12- The Hanged Man- Surrender control, pause necessary for perspective
13- Death- a prompt for change, closing old chapters/ opening another
14- Temperance- Spiritual/ physical balance, moderation, peace
15- The Devil- Addictions, toxic circumstances, unhealthy choices
16- The Tower- Dismantling of systems, the undoing for a higher purpose
17- The Star- Hope, faith, comfort and peace in your own skin
18- The Moon- Intuition, Confusion, subconscious choices, anxiety, inner discord
19- The Sun- Optimism, positivity, family, success, good health/ vitality
20- Judgement- absolution, judgement, recognition
21- The World- Completion, success, integration, moving on
The Minor Arcana
Pentacles- tangibles (career, finances, home, health)
Ace- Financial opportunity, new beginnings in career, new home, new life
2- Time management, balancing priorities
3- Team work, collaboration
4- Budgeting, security, conservative
5- unfavorable financial situation, lack mindset
6- Financial abundance, donating, volunteering, spending time
7- Slow but steady growth, daily tending to projects, patience, long-term
8- Hard work, mastery, working for tangible results
9- enjoying fruits of labor, abundance, luxury, independence
10- Wealth, family, financial security
Page- Planning for future, beginning new job, apprenticeship
Knight- Action of financial plans (investing, working, secure), discipline
Queen- the provider, nurturer
King- Wealth, business, stability
Swords (thoughts, communication, stressors)
Ace- Innovative thought, awakening to something, big ideas
2- difficult decision, between a rock and a hard place
3- sorrow, heartbreak
4- rest, sleep on it
5- selfish motives, bullying
6- moving on, cutting losses
7- trickery, deceit, looking out for oneself
8- looping anxiety, overthinking, self-doubt, stress
9- insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, losing sleep due to stressors, over worrying
10- emotional and spiritual low points, depression, defeat
Page- learning how to speak up, being a student, getting feet wet on setting boundaries
Knight- being vocal, speaking your truth, clear (sometimes blunt) communication, sharp
Queen- Firm, no bias, logical decisions, independent
King- Intellectual, complete and comfortable truth, clever, the engineer
Wands (passions, big feelings, creativity, sexual energy)
Ace- Newfound passion, creative spark, a new attraction
2- at a crossroads in desires
3- long term plans, todays choices affecting long-term dreams
4- celebration, joy, living in the moment
5- discord, unruly, unorganized desires/dreams
6- victory, recognition, praise, proud of accomplishments
7- feeling attacked, kick back from peers, external opinions, intrusion
8- fast action, alignment, dreams set into motion, things falling into place, travel
9- determination, setting boundaries, persistence, resilience
10- hard work, burdens, completing difficult tasks, a call to delegate
Page- free spirit, fun seeking, inspired
Knight- inspired action, thrill seeker, attractive
Queen- confident, divine sexuality, courageous
King- natural leader, entrepreneur, charisma
Cups (emotions, love, heart space, feelings)
Ace- new relationships, chance at love/ self-love
2- harmonious connections (friends, jobs, lovers, etc), mutual attraction
3- fun with friends, creative collaborations, your circle
4- “no thank you” card, evaluating wants/ needs
5- disappointment, pessimism, “glass half empty”
6- nostalgia, innocence, joy, the past
7- choices, illusion
8- feeling the need for “more”, moving on based on feel
9- gratitude, contentment, “wish card”
10- a state of bliss, full of love, happy family, your idea of happiness
Page- innocent love, genuine feelings, curiosity, beginnings of spiritual/ intuitive growth
Knight- romancer, wearing heart on sleeve, acting and guiding based on feeling
Queen- intuitive, “I feel”, consoler, empathy
King- emotionally mature and stable, compassionate